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Music for a nuclear-free world?

January 13, 2015

Nuclear-free world



Crayon House, a multistory building selling children’s books, toys and organic products in Tokyo’s Omotesando district, has resumed monthly lectures on topics related to nuclear power, “Morning Study of SilentSpring.”

Author and screenwriter James Miki will head the discussion for the 55th session this Saturday. On Feb. 28, London-born radio broadcaster Peter Barakan will give a talk on music’s potential role in achieving a nuclear-free world under the title “Can Music Change the World?”

The lectures will be conducted from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Hiroba, an organic restaurant located in the basement of the same building.

Admission for each lecture is ¥1,000.

Reservations are required and can be made by calling 03-3406-6465 or emailing josei@crayonhouse.co.jp .

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