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Minamisoma: Nuke-free city

March 2, 2015

Minamisoma city pledge to be nuclear-power free



Nuclear & Energy

Mar. 2, 2015 - Updated 10:13 UTC+1


The mayor of a city near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has pledged to end his city's reliance on nuclear power.

Minamisoma Mayor Katsunobu Sakurai told a city assembly meeting on Monday that he will officially declare the city a nuclear-free zone before the end of the current assembly session.

He said that in place of nuclear energy, he will pursue construction of wind- and solar-power facilities in coastal areas.

He said he hopes to secure all of the city's electricity needs through renewable energies by 2030.

Sakurai said the nuclear accident at the Daiichi plant destroyed nearby communities and many people were forced to leave their homes.

He said he is determined to do all he can to ensure such a disaster never happens again.

More than 60,000 residents of Minamisoma had to evacuate following the March 2011 accident.


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