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Preventive measures still not implemented at Monju reactor

 March 23, 2015

JAEA declares prototype fast-breeder reactor safety measures sufficiently improved



The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) reported to the government on March 23 that it has sufficiently improved safety measures on its troubled Monju fast-breeder nuclear reactor, which remains shut down on Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) orders.

"All countermeasures have been implemented and positive results have been produced," says the report on the maintenance and management of the prototype reactor in Fukui Prefecture, submitted by JAEA President Shojiro Matsuura to Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister Hakubun Shimomura.

However, the report failed to convince Shimomura.

"It's necessary for the JAEA to make further efforts to raise employee awareness of maintenance and management and to improve their skills," the science minister said. "The agency's efforts are still not enough to win public understanding."

Matsuura, whose current term as JAEA president ends on March 31, acknowledged that its efforts remained insufficient.

"I think the maintenance and management system has been established, but more efforts are needed to make sure that the system takes root at the plant."

The NRA effectively banned the JAEA from operating the Monju reactor in May 2013 after it came to light that maintenance workers failed to check numerous inspection items at the plant.

The JAEA had aimed to have the ban lifted by the end of March. However, the NRA pointed out earlier this month that the agency had still failed to fully implement preventive measures, and the lifting of the ban will likely be delayed.



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