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Waste storage in Chiba: Unacceptable?

 April 27, 2015

Civic group opposes waste storage site plan



Apr. 27, 2015 - Updated 10:14 UTC+2


A group of residents from Ichihara City, near Tokyo, is seeking to block a plan to store radioactive waste in an adjacent city.

The Environment Ministry designated Tokyo Electric Power Company's compound in Chiba City a candidate site for a facility to store waste containing fallout from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident. The waste contains radioactive cesium exceeding 8,000 becquerels per kilogram.

On Monday, the group from Ichihara City visited the office of Chiba Prefecture, where both Ichihara and Chiba City are located. It delivered a petition addressed to Governor Kensaku Morita of Chiba Prefecture to oppose the construction plan.

The group argues that the area surrounding the candidate site contains active faults that could cause a powerful earthquake. It says a storage facility built there would not be able to withstand such a disaster, and worries that such an incident could hurt sales of seaweed produced in Tokyo Bay.

Group leader Yoshikichi Hayashi says the Environment Ministry's plan is unacceptable, as there are schools and residential areas within 3 kilometers from the candidate site.

The ministry hopes to build storage facilities for contaminated soil and other waste in Chiba and 4 other prefectures and is seeking approval from local officials.

So far, it has proposed candidate storage locations in Miyagi and Tochigi Prefectures. But prospects for construction are uncertain due to strong opposition from local residents.



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