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Ex-members sue JAEA over discrimination

July 5, 2015

4 retirees of gov't-linked nuclear body file damages suit over discrimination



MITO, Ibaraki -- Four retired workers of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) filed a damages suit with the Mito District Court on July 6, demanding the government-affiliated nuclear organization pay a total of about 111 million yen in compensation for its discriminatory treatment over their wages and job promotions.

The four plaintiffs argue that they had received discriminatory treatment over their wages and career advancement partly because they pointed out safety problems with nuclear power. They are demanding about 110.8 million yen in damages, including their wage shortfalls as well as compensation for their pain and suffering.

The four retired from JAEA in the spring of this year. Among them is Kenji Komatsuzaki, 60, from Ibaraki Prefecture, who became a full-time, non-regular staff member at the nuclear organization after retirement.

According to their complaint and other sources, the four plaintiffs had carried out activities such as distributing leaflets and holding symposiums at a labor union at the JAEA's predecessor Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp. (PNC) because they were worried about nuclear-related health hazards and safety management systems at nuclear facilities, among other factors. Responding to their activities, the then PNC labeled the four employees as those who "lack good sense," and gave them discriminatory treatment in wages and over personnel affairs, their complaint says.

According to the plaintiffs, the then PNC checked its staff's thoughts and beliefs over nuclear development and worked out a so-called "hostility judgment chart" that divided its staff into four ranks. Between fiscal 1980 and 1982, 32 employees were classified into the "A" rank, which represented employees that criticized the nuclear body most severely. The four plaintiffs were put in the "A" rank.

The plaintiffs emphasized, "Because nuclear technologies are difficult to come by, there can't be good technological developments unless free speech is guaranteed on the job."

The JAEA responded, "Because we have not received their complaint as of this moment and we cannot confirm its content, we would like to decline to comment."

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