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Nuclear disaster drill In Fukushima

August 31, 2015

2,000 people join nuclear disaster drill in Fukushima



MINAMISOMA, Fukushima -- The Fukushima Prefectural Government organized a nuclear disaster drill here on Aug. 30 ahead of nationwide Disaster Prevention Day on Sept. 1.

Some 2,000 people, including local residents, fire department officials, police officers and Self-Defense Force personnel, joined the general disaster drill in the city where some of its areas remain as evacuation zones following the 2011 nuclear meltdown.

The drill was held on the assumption that the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, battered in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, was hit by another massive tsunami triggered by a large earthquake. The exercise supposed that the cooling system of the spent fuel pool at the Fukushima plant had stopped while undergoing decommission work, releasing radioactive material into the atmosphere. Residents evacuated to a designated site and then went through a radiation exposure screening conducted by medical experts dressed in protective gear.


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