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information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise

50 years ago TEPCO

Friday, Sept. 21, 1965 (Supplement published on the occasion of the ninth IAEA Conference, held in Tokyo)

Tepco reveals atomic power generation plans


50 years ago TEPCO

The sources of energy used for the generation of electric power in Japan have been progressively switched from hydraulic power to coal and then to heavy oil.

The country is now preparing to develop nuclear energy as a new source of energy from the standpoint of economically securing fuel required for steam power generation. The demand made on Tepco is expected to reach 17.89 million kw by 1973.

Tepco’s program for nuclear power generation calls for the development of about 2 million kw by 1975. The move is expected to result in the conservation of about 3 million kiloliters of heavy oil, or about one-fifth of the total amount of crude oil needs.

Tepco has constantly kept busy making preparations, doing research and conducting other studies since setting up an atomic energy generation section in 1955.

A land area of about 2 million sq. meters was acquired for this purpose in November of last year along the coast stretching from Okuma-machi to Futaba-machi of Futaba-gun, Fukushima Prefecture.

Plans have been made to install the first and second reactors at this point. The enriched uranium light water model is scheduled to be used as the first reactor.

The Fukushima Research Center was established last December for the purpose of conducting on-the-spot research.

In order to collect enough data needed for ensuring the safety of the atomic power plant and its construction, the center is now busy at work on meteorological observation, geological and oceanographic surveys along with seismographic and subterranean observations — all of which are broad and time-consuming projects.

A study is underway to determine the water pumping formula for the cooling system, but a tentative plan calls for the acquisition of water directly from the sea through the construction of breakwaters.

A new committee, an advisory organ to the president is headed by Naojiro Tanaka, an executive director. It is in charge of drawing up blueprints for the atomic power plants and for making other arrangements necessary for launching the construction.

Another committee was organized this past July, also under the chairmanship of Tanaka, to work on the problem of earthquake-proofing and other technical matters regarding the construction. This committee is made up of academic and engineering experts, both inside and outside the company.

Thus busily engaged, Tepco is moving steadily ahead toward its goal.


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