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information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise

Silent voices

I received this appeal from Chiho SATO:






My name is Chiho SATO, i live in France since 2010 and i'm Japanese from Fukushima. I am also a documentaries director. For now i'm working on a film about my family who still live 60 km far from the FUKUSHIMA's nuclear plant. The title of my documentary is :
« FUKUSHIMA – The silent voices »
Since four years (since the accident), I go back to my native province and i film the everyday life of my family. The aim of this documentary is to reignite a debate regarding Fukushima's situation including the voices of the locals (which is rarely done in the europeans medias and barely present in Japanese medias)
Because I haven't found a french TV channel willing to purchase this film, i've decided to launch a crowdfounding on the internet (Kisskiss bankbank) to help me to raise the money I need to finish the film (3500 euros). It's online since 22 days and we've reached 76%. But we still need more help.
It's why i'd like to ask you if you will accept to share my “kisskiss bankbank” project page on your blog or on any other social network you may use.
Here is the crowdfounding page : http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/fukushima-les-voix-silencieuses

I thank you very much for your work regarding Fukushima's situation and for your consideration to my project.
Good regards
Chiho SATO

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