27 Décembre 2015
December 27, 2015
Dec. 27, 2015 - Updated 05:06 UTC+1
Japanese people who are suing the central government and an electric power utility over the Fukushima nuclear disaster will form their first association.
The move comes ahead of the 5th anniversary next March of the nuclear meltdowns.
Plaintiffs of class-action lawsuits living in and outside Fukushima are demanding compensation from the national government and Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, in at least 18 prefectures.
The plaintiffs and lawyers from about 10 groups took part in a preparatory meeting in Tokyo earlier this month. They decided to work together to prevent memories of the accident from fading away.
The new group plans to call for stronger relief measures for residents. It intends to inaugurate in February and aims to gather 10,000 members.
The leader of one group, Yuya Kamoshita, says radioactive contamination continues to pose a threat. He says he wants to cooperate with others ahead of this turning point, 5 years after the accident.