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Converting excess HEU

April 1, 2016

UK, US and EU Sign A Deal To Convert HEU Into Medical Isotopes


Uranium & Fuel

1 Apr (NucNet): The UK, US, and EU have agreed on a deal to turn UK’s excess stockpile of highly enriched uranium (HEU) into medical isotopes to be used in cancer treatment, a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office said yesterday. 

Under the agreement, concluded in the framework of the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, the US will receive a transfer of 700 kilograms of excess HEU from the UK and will consequently send a “different type” of HEU to France, member of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), where it will be converted into medical isotopes.

The Prime Minister’s Office said the isotopes could be exported to the UK and other European countries to help cancer treatment and diagnosis.

The excess HEU, which is to be sent to the US, is currently stored at the Dounreay nuclear site on the north coast of Scotland, a statement said.


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