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Five-way talks on North Korea's nuke program?

July 13, 2017



Moon adviser proposes five-way talks on North Korea’s nuclear program





SEOUL – An aide to South Korean President Moon Jae-in has proposed that five-way talks be held among Japan, the United States, China, Russia and South Korea in dealing with North Korea’s nuclear program.

Given that North Korea is refusing to take part in the existing six-way format among Tokyo, Washington, Beijing, Moscow, Seoul and Pyongyang, the other five nations in the dialogue framework should hold a meeting to fill the gaps in their positions and draw up a common strategy, Moon Chung-in, special presidential adviser on unification, foreign affairs and national security, said at a seminar held in Seoul on Wednesday.

The five countries should discuss what incentives they can offer to North Korea in case Pyongyang freezes its nuclear facilities and dismantles them in a verifiable manner, he said.

Moon Chung-in said he had expected such a five-way meeting may take place on the occasion of the two-day summit of the Group of 20 advanced and emerging economies in Hamburg, Germany, through Friday. In reality, however, it was not held at the time, he said.

The adviser said that the South Korean government should propose five-way talks, adding that he hopes such a session will be held sooner or later.

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