19 Mai 2018
May 16, 2018
Japanese government releases latest energy plan
Japanese government officials have released the country's medium-to-long term energy policy. The plan focuses on making better use of solar power and other renewables to help fight climate change.
The policy is reviewed every 3 years. The new plan outlines targets toward 2050 in line with the Paris accord. It aims to reduce Japan's generating costs for renewable energy to international levels. The goal is to make renewables the country's main source of power.
The continued development of nuclear technology is still included as one way toward a carbon-neutral society.
But the plan does not include new construction of nuclear plants, calling for reducing reliance on nuclear energy as much as possible.
The total energy-mix target is unchanged from the previous plan. It puts renewables at 22 to 24 percent and nuclear power at 20 to 22 percent. It also puts thermal generation at about 56 percent.
Some panel members have urged a review of the energy-mix ratio. Experts say Japan may be lagging behind the global trend in promoting renewable resources.
Industry ministry officials say they will seek opinions on the plan, and aim for Cabinet approval as early as July.