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18 Fukushima children detected with cancer

August 21, 2013


Thyroid cancer found in 18 Fukushima children



Medical examinations in Fukushima Prefecture following the nuclear crisis of 2011 have detected 18 children with thyroid cancer.

The finding was reported on Tuesday by a prefectural panel examining the impact of radiation on the health of local residents.

The prefecture is giving medical checkups to all 360,000 children aged 18 or younger at the time of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in March 2011.

That's because radioactive substances released in the accident can accumulate in children's thyroid glands, possibly increasing their risk of developing cancer.

Some 210,000 children had been tested by the end of July.
Besides the 18 minors diagnosed with cancer, 25 others are suspected to have the illness.

The incidence rate of thyroid cancer in children is said to be one in hundreds of thousands. In Japan, 46 people under 20 were diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2006.

The panel says it cannot determine if the accident has affected the incidence of cancer among children in Fukushima. But it has decided to set up an expert team to look into the situation.

Panel chief Hokuto Hoshi says they will carefully examine the accumulated data and individual cases so they can give explanations to residents in a responsible manner.


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