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50 billion dollars and questionable effectiveness

July 23, 2013


Experts estimate decontamination costs at $50 bil.



Experts estimate that cleaning up radioactivity in Fukushima Prefecture would cost 50 billion dollars, more than 4 times the amount that has been earmarked.

Experts from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology studied the cost of decontamination for the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.

They estimate that decontamination in no-entry zones will cost up to 20 billion dollars, and in other areas, 31 billion dollars.

The estimate is based on the government-set unit costs and information provided by municipalities. It includes the cost of removing, transporting and storing radioactive waste such as contaminated soil.

The central government has so far allocated about 11 billion dollars for the cleanup, but has not made clear what the total cost might be.

The project is substantially behind schedule. Critics question its effectiveness, as radiation levels remain high in some areas even after decontamination.

A member of the group, Junko Nakanishi, says the government is conducting the work without knowing how much it would cost to achieve the level that would meet residents' expectations.

She says the government should study cost performance before deciding whether to complete the decontamination or reallocate the money to help people rebuild their lives.

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