2 Août 2013
July 30, 2013
FUKUSHIMA, Japan (Kyodo) -- The number of tourists to Fukushima Prefecture rose 26.3 percent in 2012 from the previous year to 44.46 million, rebounding to 77.8 percent of 2010, the year before the triple disaster -- an earthquake, a tsunami and a nuclear meltdown -- struck, the prefectural government said Monday.
Tourism "steadily recovered due to restoration of tourist facilities and declining misinformation about the nuclear power plant accident," an official at the prefecture said.
The survey showed that tourists last year to the region including the Futaba district, which is home to the quake-disabled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, were still 74.1 percent fewer than 2010
The survey was conducted jointly by the prefecture and local municipalities at a total of 374 tourist spots and events, nine places more than the previous year.