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Anti-nuke advocates unite!

November 21, 2012


Anti-nuclear power advocates aim for Diet majority



Politicians advocating an end to nuclear power generation in Japan have agreed to join forces to aim for a combined majority in the Lower House election next month.

About 20 lawmakers from People's Life First, the Social Democratic Party, the Democratic Party and others met in the Diet building on Wednesday.

They were joined by about 60 members of citizens' groups campaigning against nuclear power.

People's Life First Acting President Kenji Yamaoka said at the meeting that while 7 in 10 people in Japan oppose nuclear power, 7 in 10 Diet members support it.

Yamaoka said that what politicians are doing is worlds apart from people's wishes.

He called on voters to vote for candidates advocating an end to nuclear power so that like-minded lawmakers will win a majority in the chamber and possibly form a coalition government.

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