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Emergency antinuke shelters

January 13, 2013




Nuclear evacuation shelters to be set up



Japan's nuclear regulatory body has decided to prepare emergency shelters for people who live near nuclear plants to prevent them from being contaminated in case of an accident.

A government's guidelines suggest those who live within 5-kilometer radius of a nuclear facility should immediately leave the area during a nuclear emergency.

However, many Japanese nuclear plants are located on narrow peninsulas, which make it hard for residents living on the tip to escape quickly during an emergency. They often have to come closer to the plant before they can get off the peninsula.

The Secretariat of the Nuclear Regulation Authority says it is going to refit school gymnasiums and facilities for the elderly within the 5 kilometers radius of nuclear plants for use as evacuation shelters.

They will prevent radioactive dust from coming in by raising the air pressure inside and attaching filters to vents. Air showers will be also set up at the entrances to clean dust off people.

The nuclear regulatory body says about 50 facilities will be set up in 5 prefectures which have nuclear power plants on peninsulas. They are Miyagi, Shizuoka, Fukui, Ehime and Saga Prefectures.

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