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First four

 July 25, 2013


4 nuclear reactors on restart screening



Japan's nuclear regulators have chosen the first group of 4 reactors for a review of severe accident measures. The move is a step toward restarting the facilities.

On Thursday, Nuclear Regulation Authority officials conducted a hearing with the operators of the Tomari plant in Hokkaido, the Ikata plant in Ehime, and the Sendai plant in Kagoshima.

The plants' 4 reactors are prioritized for the review.

The operators explained new measures to prevent damage to nuclear fuel in case of a total blackout, like the one that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in 2011.

The utilities also provided an analysis on the effectiveness of the proposed measures.

The regulators quizzed them on the details of the procedures. They also asked about the number of workers onsite to deal with any accident, and their roles.

Operators have submitted applications to restart another 8 reactors.

At the Genkai plant in Saga, the NRA asked preliminary questions on active faults at the site and the plant's preparedness for an emergency.

But the NRA put on hold screenings of the remaining 6 reactors, saying they are not ready for inspection.

Jul. 25, 2013 - Updated 17:04 UTC

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