28 Avril 2014
April 27, 2014
Japan to improve anti-nuclear terrorism
Japan's nuclear regulator has told the nation's utilities to strengthen their efforts to guard against nuclear terrorism.
The Nuclear Regulation Authority held a meeting with senior management of utilities to impress upon them the importance of securing nuclear related material and facilities against terrorism.
During the meeting on Friday, NRA member Kenzo Oshima said that compliance with laws and regulations is not enough. He said that discipline and a proper organizational culture must be maintained.
Three incidences of regulatory violations occurred during the last fiscal year at Japanese nuclear facilities.
These include security sensors being turned off at the Tokai No.2 nuclear power plant north of Tokyo and visitors' identification documents not being photocopied at the Monju fast-breeder prototype reactor site in central Japan.
The NRA wants security measures to be enhanced and will have a team from the International Atomic Energy Agency assess the measures taken.
The regulator will also consider a mechanism for background checks on workers at nuclear facilities to include their criminal, health, and financial records to prevent them from becoming a terrorist or a collaborator.
But with voices being raised over privacy concerns, the NRA has not been decided whether the mechanism will be introduced.
Apr. 27, 2014 - Updated 23:40 UTC