9 Avril 2013
IAEA to examine Fukushima decommissioning process
Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency say they will inspect the decommissioning process at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant for the first time later this month.
IAEA officials will visit the plant from April 17th to 19th.
They will speak to officials from the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company. They will also meet with officials from the Natural Resources and Energy Agency.
They are expected to suggest ways of dealing with leaks of contaminated water from underground tanks at the plant.
The inspectors are expected to review the entire decommissioning process. They will also check measures to protect workers from exposure to radiation.
IAEA officials visited the plant in May 2011 to examine the extent of the disaster. But this will be their first time to observe the decommissioning process.
TEPCO officials say it will take up to 40 years to complete the decommissioning.