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Kan: Abe's nuke export policy "inhumane"

June 17, 2013


Kan hits Abe’s nuclear salesmanship

Staff Writer



Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is engaging in “inhumane” activity as an aggressive “salesman for Japan’s nuclear village” by peddling the power technology overseas, Naoto Kan, who was in charge of the nation during the mega-earthquake, tsunami and nuclear calamity in March 2011, blogged Monday.

Kan has been canvassing areas in Tokyo to draw support for the candidates running on the Democratic Party of Japan ticket for the June 23 Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly poll.

In his blog, Kan said he has been stressing the importance of ridding Japan of its nuclear dependence, appealing to Tokyo residents to keep in mind that the 2011 core meltdowns in Fukushima almost resulted in the capital having to be evacuated.

“I have been explaining that this means people in Tokyo were indeed involved in that accident. And they’re obliged to decide whether to abolish nuclear power,” he blogged.

Noting Abe is from Yamaguchi Prefecture, Kan also criticized him for turning a blind eye to the strong opposition by a majority of the public there to the planned Kaminoseki nuclear power plant.


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