5 Avril 2013
April 5, 2013
Kyodo News, April 6, 2013: Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Friday that contaminated water may have leaked into soil from an underground reservoir tank at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. A radioactive substance has been detected in water accumulated between soil around the tank and the outer layer of a waterproof sheet covering the tank. The tank is covered by three layers of waterproof sheets. According to TEPCO and the Nuclear Regulation Authority, around 6,000 becquerels of radiation per cubic centimeter was logged in the water on Friday. [...]
Fukushima Diary (h/t Anonymous tip): By this January, 96% of contaminated water storage facility was full. They made 4 holes underground and has been using them for the emergency water storage facility. On 4/5/2013, Tepco announced they found the highly contaminated water leaking into the ground. [...] Tepco is going to hold an emergency press conference at 1:30AM of 4/6/2013 (JST). [...] See Tepco‘s announcement here