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New safety system tested at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa

April 10, 2014

TEPCO tests filtered vent at nuclear plant



Tokyo Electric Power Company has tested a new safety system designed to deal with emergencies at nuclear power plants.

The utility tested the newly installed filtered vent system at its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in Niigata Prefecture, central Japan, on Thursday.

The system is designed to reduce pressure in reactor containment vessels in emergencies while limiting emissions of radioactive materials.

The system is required under tougher safety guidelines that took effect last July.

The vent was installed at the plant's No. 7 reactor.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority is conducting safety reviews of the facility's No. 6 and 7 reactors as a step to decide whether to allow them back online.

In the test, workers funneled nitrogen through a cylinder measuring 8 meters tall and 4 meters in diameter to determine whether the gas flowed through piping as planned. Nitrogen was used in place of gas containing radioactive materials.

Niigata Prefecture has voiced concern over the system. Officials say radioactive materials released through the filter may affect residents. A technology panel is reviewing the system's safety and operation methods.

Tokyo Electric officials say they will explain test results to local governments and discuss operation methods.

Apr. 10, 2014 - Updated 10:07 UTC

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