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NHK video on the danger of (hidden) active faults

October 7, 2013


Danger of Hidden Faults




Some researchers have discovered that almost all active faults are underground and cannot be seen from the surface.

Pr. Shinji Toda,  a seismologist (Tokohu University), has been studying all the  quakes over 6.5 that have occurred in Japan over the last 90 years.

He found that in as much as 80% of all powerful quakes, the active fault was not identified beforehand.

AND sometimes even after the quake, there was very little sign of disturbance on the surface.


He is using a laser-based aerial method to try and identify active faults but this won’t be sufficient.

New survey methods have to be invented.

He concludes : “We know now that we can’t say places without active faults are safe.” 

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