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No active fault under Shika, says operator

June 5, 2013


Shika plant operator finds no sign of active fault



The operator of the Shika nuclear power plant on the Sea of Japan coast says there's no data to suggest that a fault under the plant is active.

Hokuriku Electric Power Company will submit its findings to the Nuclear Regulation Authority on Thursday.

The government bans the construction of nuclear reactors above active faults.

A government agency last year ordered the company to conduct a geological survey. Some experts said there was a chance that a fault under the No.1 reactor of the plant in Ishikawa Prefecture was active.

The company says it dug a tunnel 40 meters underground near the reactor building to obtain sediment samples.

It says it found substances indicating that the fault was formed by underground water seeping into cracks. There were no signs that the soil above the fault had slid vertically.

Utility officials say the results show no evidence that the fault is active.

The NRA plans to conduct fault surveys at 6 nuclear plants in Japan.

They concluded last month that a fault under the No.2 reactor of the Tsuruga nuclear plant in neighboring Fukui Prefecture is active.

They have yet to announce a timetable for official probes at the Shika plant and the Mihama plant in Fukui Prefecture.

Jun. 5, 2013 - Updated 10:56 UTC

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