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Not so much please

January 28, 2014

Fukushima to ask govt. to reduce waste sites



Fukushima Prefecture has decided to propose a review of a government request for the prefecture to host intermediate storage facilities for radioactive soil and other waste from the 2011 nuclear accident.

A panel of prefectural officials on Tuesday met for the first time to discuss last month's government request for the prefecture and 3 of its municipalities to host the facilities.

The three municipalities are Okuma, Futaba, and Naraha towns. They are either demanding a review of the government plan or opposing it outright.

Naraha Town has asked the prefecture to call on the government not to bring into the town radioactive waste over a certain level.

At the meeting, Vice Governor Masao Uchibori said it is necessary to consider consolidating the sites of the planned facilities and to reduce their size from the government plan. He suggested developing new technologies to decrease the amount of contaminated soil.

Taking local opinions into account, Fukushima Prefecture decided to call on the government to discuss a review of the facilities construction plan.

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