9 Avril 2013
April 8, 2013
see for instance page 2 of the
Emergency Measures for Contaminated Water Treatment
Measures to be implemented
In response to the leakage from the underground reservoir which occurred on April 5, the following emergency measures will be implemented for the time being.
Safely transfer the water in the underground reservoir No.2
to an unused underground reservoir while performing water level measurement and sampling to monitor the condition. After all the water is removed (planned on April 10), the
leakage location will be investigated.
Reduce the water level of the underground reservoir No.3 from 95% to less than 80% (by safely transferring the water to an
unused underground reservoir) while performing water level measurement and sampling to monitor the condition. The leakage location will be investigated similarly to the underground reservoir No.2.
If we assume that we immediately stop using the underground reservoirs at this point in time, the tank capacity would be insufficient for storing the water currently stored in the underground reservoirs. The water will continue to be stored in the underground reservoirs for the time being while maintaining the water level at approx. 80% (max.) or less which is the location of the leakage detection hole on the upper part of the reservoir (which is assumed to be the leakage location).
Tank installation plan (including those of a capacity of approx. 120,000 tons planned to be installed in the first half of FY2013) willbe implemented ahead of schedule.
Areas for future tank installation to further increase the tank
capacity will be considered.
Steadily perform hot testing of the multi-nuclide removal equipment (ALPS) for the purpose of risk mitigation through the purification of contaminated water.