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NRA urges staff to keep 3/11 in mind

 March 11, 2014

NRA head urges recalling 2011 nuclear disaster




Tuesday marks the 3rd anniversary of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami and the ensuing nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant.

The head of Japan's nuclear watchdog has urged officials on its staff to keep the accident in mind and ensure safety as they do their job.

Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Shunichi Tanaka was speaking to about 700 NRA officials.

Tanaka said he is always reminded of the enormous distress the accident caused whenever he talks with people in Fukushima Prefecture. Tanaka himself is from Fukushima.

He said NRA officials must be aware that whenever there's trouble at the crippled plant, a dark cloud of concern weighs on the minds of people who have been displaced by the accident.

Tanaka said it is important for NRA officials to keep the accident in mind and to consider what their responsibilities as they work.

He asked them to sympathize with nuclear accident victims, be aware of what is happening in Fukushima and reconfirm the meaning of the culture of safety.

Tanaka referred to the ongoing safety screening of 10 idled nuclear plants across Japan. He called on the officials to carry out their tasks, bearing in mind the need to prevent accident at the plants. The screening is a precondition for restarting the plants.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority and its secretariat were launched in September 2012. The country's former nuclear regulatory body was seen as failing in its watchdog role.

Mar. 11, 2014 - Updated 05:19 UTC


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