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June 21, 2013


Poland may delay nuclear reactor operation



Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk says his country may delay the planned operation of the country's first nuclear reactors. A major Japanese company is aiming to win a contract to build the units.

Tusk held a news conference in the capital Warsaw on Wednesday. He said he is not ruling out nuclear in Poland's energy mix, but it would be later than planned.

Tusk cited the high cost of building reactors and the ongoing domestic development of shale gas as reasons.

Constructing the reactors would cost about 15 billion dollars.

Leading Japanese electronics maker Hitachi is seeking to win the deal to build the reactors.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met Tusk on Sunday in Warsaw to promote Japan's nuclear technology.

Poland abandoned building nuclear plants after the Chernobyl accident. The country now relies on coal-fired plants for more than 80 percent of its power.

But the government decided to build 2 nuclear plants on 2 sites due to an expected decrease in domestic coal production and the need to combat global warming. It plans to start operating the reactors in 2024.


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