21 Juin 2012
June 21, 2012
FUKUI, Japan (Kyodo) -- The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Thursday it has decided to deploy its inspectors at an off-site facility outside the Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture around the clock, in addition to the central control room for the Nos. 3 and 4 reactors at the plant, to enhance the surveillance system.
The move came after the government's agency and Kansai Electric Power Co., the operator of the Oi plant, were criticized for their late report to media that an alarm went off at the No. 3 unit earlier this week, the first sign of trouble since the government decided to restart the two reactors amid public concerns over nuclear safety in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
It was a warning that water levels had fallen inside a cooling tank for a suspended generator, but the incident posed no safety problem, the utility said.
The agency officials also said at a press conference in the town of Oi that the agency and the utility will not immediately inform the media about any unexpected trouble regardless of its effects on the environment and safety.
In Tokyo, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura expressed regret about the delay in the announcement of the problem at the Oi nuclear power plant.
At a morning press conference, Fujimura also said the recent development at the Oi plant does not mean it has any safety problems.