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Radiation levels still high but driving restrictions eased

 June 11, 2013


Restrictions to ease on Fukushima roads



Authorities will ease traffic restrictions on 2 main routes in a zone designated uninhabitable near the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The changes will take effect from Monday next week.

Since the disaster, the government has listed areas with radiation levels of over 50 millisieverts per year as uninhabitable.


Parts of the No.6 and No.288 national highways have been restricted to only vehicles engaged in decontamination and reconstruction efforts.

The government decided to ease the restrictions to reduce the burden on locals, who have had to make detours to avoid the highways.

From next Monday, people will become able to use the roads if they are traveling to their workplace or to hospitals. They will still need to apply in advance to the local government for permission.

To control the zone, authorities are placing barricades at 312 locations, including crossings and entrances to residential areas.

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