27 Février 2014
February 27, 2014
Safety screening begins on Hamaoka reactor
Japan's nuclear regulators have begun a safety screening of a reactor located at the center of the projected focal area of a mega-quake in central Japan.
Members of the Nuclear Regulation Authority on Thursday heard from officials of Chubu Electric Power Company about safety steps taken for the Hamaoka plant in Shizuoka Prefecture.
The utility applied for the screening of the plant's No. 4 reactor on February 14th. Clearing the government's new, stricter guidelines is needed to reactivate any reactor.
The plant's reactors were shut down following a government request after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis. The request was given out of concerns over a mega-quake expected in the region.
Chubu Electric officials told NRA officials that the company is building a 22-meter-high breakwater to prepare for a tsunami.
Regulators asked how the utility examined the possible effects of a quake when knowledge of the focal area is limited. They also asked how the utility expects the tsunami to affect the facility's ability to take in sea water to cool the reactor.
Hiromu Masuda, the Chubu Electric official in charge of nuclear power, told reporters after the meeting that measures against earthquakes and tsunami will be the key to the screening.
He also said the utility has collected all kinds of data on the focal area and will offer a detailed explanation.
Applications for safety screenings have been made for 17 reactors at 10 plants. That number accounts for more than one-third of Japan's reactors.
Feb. 27, 2014 - Updated 07:46 UTC