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TEPCO rejects arbitrator's proposal for compensation

 January 15, 2014

TEPCO rejects arbitration body's settlement plan




The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has reportedly rejected an arbitrator's proposal to settle compensation claims by evacuees over their health concerns.

A group of evacuees from Iitate, a village located near the plant, told reporters on Wednesday that Tokyo Electric Power Company had told them it cannot accept the settlement.

They quoted the utility as saying that the grounds for the settlement are not clear.

About 180 former residents of the village's Nagadoro district filed claims with the Center for Settlement of Fukushima Nuclear Damage Claims, which was set up by the science ministry.

They are seeking compensation for the anxiety they've experienced over potential health problems due to radiation exposure. They say they were exposed to radiation for longer than necessary because officials were late in issuing an evacuation order for the district.

The arbitrator decided last year to recommend that the utility compensate the claimants. It began presenting specific settlement proposals to the villagers last month.

Lawyers for the residents say TEPCO should accept the settlement because the utility earlier promised to respect the arbitrator's proposals.

TEPCO replied that it is trying to confirm the center's views on the proposal and that it will take swift action based on the findings
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