27 Février 2014
February 25, 2014
Tokai No.2 plant operator to explain safety
The operator of the Tokai No. 2 nuclear power plant, north of Tokyo, plans to explain its safety measures to local governments before applying for the state screening to restart operations.
Japan Atomic Power Company plans to conclude a memorandum as early as next week with 11 municipalities including Tokai village, which hosts the plant. The municipalities had requested such a document.
The memorandum calls for the company to provide an explanation to local governments before it applies for safety screening with the Nuclear Regulation Authority.
It also says the operator should gain understanding of the application from 6 municipalities closest to the plant.
The document is expected to give local governments a stronger voice, as Japan Atomic Power will need to address their concerns before applying for safety screening.
After concluding the memorandum, the operator plans to explain its safety measures to the municipalities and then apply for the screening as early as the end of March.
Many municipalities near the plant have yet to form evacuation plans, however. The number of people within a 30-kilometer radius of the plant who would have to evacuate in case of an accident is nearly one-million.
Feb. 25, 2014 - Updated 08:18 UTC