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Workers and (no) dosimeters - again

April 20, 2013


Fukushima workers treated water leaks without dosimeters





Fourteen workers treated radioactive water leaking at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant without wearing personal dosimeters as required, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said April 19.

The dosimeters, which are worn on a worker's finger, measure and record the doses of beta rays, or high-speed electrons.

According to TEPCO, the 14 workers are employees of a partner company that engaged in the work from April 6. The leakage of radioactive water from underground storage tanks first came to light on April 5.

TEPCO was alerted that the workers were not using dosimeters on April 8, company officials said.

The officials said the case has been reported to the Tomioka Labor Standards Inspection Office, which provided corrective guidance.

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