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Le blog de fukushima-is-still-news

information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise

27/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Advice for people outside 30km radius

February 26, 2015 NRA deciding on measures outside 30km radius http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/nuclear.html...

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27/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

On-site investigation

February 27, 2015 Fukushima officials conduct on-site probe at crippled plant http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150227p2g00m0dm070000c.html...

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27/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

New drone for Fukushima Daiichi

February 21, 2015 Japan's 1st mass-produced drone takes maiden flight http://ajw.asahi.com/article/business/AJ201502210031 By...

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27/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Fishermen lodge protest against TEPCO

February 27, 2015 Fisheries group lodges protest against Tepco’s failure to disclose leak of radioactive rainwater...

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26/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Obviously not safe enough

February 26, 2015 26.02.2015_No43 / News Accident Monitoring Systems Need To Be Re-evaluated, Says IAEA http://www.nucnet.org/all-the-news/2015/02/26/accident-monitoring-systems-need-to-be-re-evaluated-says-iaea...

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26/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Nuclear weapons: Risk agenda

February 26, 2015 Belling the nuclear wildcat Five years ago hopes were high that the world was at last seriously...

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26/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

TEPCO reveals another leak (NHK video)

http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/features/201502251616.html It has taken TEPCO almost a year to make...

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26/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Interim storage agreement

February 26, 2015 Trio of approvals in Fukushima seals deal for radioactive soil dump http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201502260037 THE...

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26/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Fishermen are angry

February 26, 2015 Fukushima fishermen slam TEPCO over latest toxic water leak http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150226p2g00m0dm043000c.html...

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26/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

4,000 dollars "miracle pine" pen

February 26, 2015 'Miracle pine' gets new life as luxury pen http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/recovery/AJ201502260029 By...

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26/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

240,000$ back rent for Tokyo anti-nukes

February 26, 2015 Anti-nuke group ordered to pay for occupation http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/nuclear.html...

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25/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Worrying: Media self-restraint

February 25, 2015 Under Abe’s reign, media self-censorship in Japan is rising http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/02/25/national/media-national/japanese-media-self-censorship-seen-growing-abes-reign/#.VO17-S51Cos...

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25/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Some continue to measure radioactivity

February 24, 2015 Hot on the trail of radioactivity, despite dwindling public interest in the issue http://ajw.asahi.com/article/behind_news/social_affairs/AJ201502240004...

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25/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Interim storage in Fukushima

February 25, 2015 Fukushima OKs delivery of radioactive soil to interim storage http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150225p2g00m0dm039000c.html...

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25/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Reroute drainage channel to avoid leaks into sea

February 25, 2015 TEPCO may reroute wastewater drainage channel http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20150225_30.html...

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