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Le blog de fukushima-is-still-news

information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise

02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

Final verdict on Ohi fault

September 2, 2013 Experts: Ohi nuclear plant fault 'not active' http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20130902_39.html...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

Mycle Schneider - the scale of Fukushima disaster

August 30, 2013 http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2013/08/30/why-fukushima-is-worse-than-you-think/ Why Fukushima...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

Gov't will help with evacuation plans

September 1, 2013 Govt. to help craft local nuclear evacuation plans http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20130902_05.html...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

TEPCO boosts efforts to monitor contaminated water

September 2, 2013 TEPCO steps up monitoring of toxic water leaks http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20130902_38.html...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

Gov't emergency measures disclosed on Tuesday (Sept.3)

September 2, 2013 Govt. compiling measures to address Fukushima leak http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20130902_31.html...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

"All the tanks are makeshift"

September 2, 2013 No. 1 worker knew spill risk in '11 Tanks said built in haste, bound to leak Kyodo, AFP-Jiji...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

How effective is ALPS?

September 2, 2013 News Navigator: What is ALPS, and can it solve the radioactive water crisis? http://mainichi.jp/english/english/perspectives/news/20130902p2a00m0na009000c.html...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

More radiation, more leaks (2)

September 2, 2013 Leaking pipe connecting tanks adds more woes at Fukushima plant http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201309020069...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

More radiation, more leaks

September 2, 2013 More tank leaks found at Japan nuke plant http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20130902p2g00m0dm069000c.html...

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02/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

Only one reactor left online

September 2, 2013 Oi reactor halt leaves just one unit still online Kyodo http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/09/02/national/oi-reactor-halt-leaves-just-one-unit-still-online/#.UiR2qn9Sb9k...

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01/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

Not as bad as it seems, says TEPCO

Sept.1, 2013 Announcements (Sep 01,2013) Explanation regarding the high radiation (maximum 1,800 mSv) found at...

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01/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

Leaky pipe fixed but 4 hotspots discovered

September 1, 2013 Tepco fixes leaky pipe but finds hot spots, jump in radiation Toxic drip sealed with tape amid...

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01/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

Naoto Kan on nukes

August 31, 2013 http://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2013/08/31/people/naoto-kan-speaks-out/#.UiIx339Sb9k Naoto Kan...

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01/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

"A strange sense of déjà vu"?

August 31, 2013 Japan’s nuclear comedy just goes on and on ** by Jake Adelstein http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/08/31/national/japans-nuclear-comedy-just-goes-on-and-on/#.UiIw339Sb9k...

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01/09/2013 Publié depuis Overblog

High radiation levels detected around tanks

Sept.1, 2013 Leaks suspected from more tanks at Fukushima plant http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201309010021...

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