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Le blog de fukushima-is-still-news

information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise

21/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

One way to shield radiation

July 21, 2012 TEPCO sub-subcontractor urged employees to cover up their exposure to radiation The Fukushima No....

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

Removed by hand

A lot more information on the removal of the assemblies from the pool at Unit 4 is available on Iori's site (fukushima-...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

More about the necessity of faults investigation

July 20, 2012 Editorial: Fault probes at nuclear plants overdue in quake-prone Japan The possibility that an active...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

Tanaka to head new regulatory authority?

July 20, 2012 Gov't to tap Shunichi Tanaka for new nuclear body chief http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20120720p2g00m0dm076000c.html...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

Draw lessons from Fukushima?

US panel to study Fukushima nuclear accident http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/20120720_22.html The US National...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

Check them, "just in case"

July 20, 2012 Research planned on faults at N-plants The Yomiuri Shimbun http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/T120719003829.htm...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

New unmanned tractor for Fukushima

July 20, 2012 Remote-controlled decontamination tractor unveiled in Fukushima An unmanned tractor is remotely manipulated...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

Danger of faults not severe enough to halt restart process, says S.Makino

July 20, 2012 Oi's reactor 4 achieves criticality Kyodo http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20120720a4.html#.UAkj_KBIwpU...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

No exemption for TEPCO

July 20, 2012 Court backs gov't decision not to exempt TEPCO over nuclear disaster http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20120720p2g00m0dm042000c.html...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

New rules for compensation

July 20, 2012 Govt sets compensation rules for Fukushima http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/20120720_18.html The...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

Internet research project abandoned because of Fukuhima Prefecture

July 20, 2012 Radiation dosage website abandoned due to opposition from Fukushima Pref. http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20120720p2a00m0na016000c.html...

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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

An urgent appeal to prevent another global disaster


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20/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

Petition to Ban Ki-moon

on the "Blog de Fukushima": An urgent appeal to avoid another global nuclear disaster Because the building of reactor...

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19/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

Beware of active faults

July 19, 2012 Yoroku: Heedless attitude to fault lines by gov't, electric companies risks disaster http://mainichi.jp/english/english/perspectives/news/20120719p2a00m0na010000c.html...

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19/07/2012 Publié depuis Overblog

No.4 reactor at Oi plant reactivated -What about checking for faults?

July 19, 2012 Kepco again fires up Oi plant's reactor 4 Probe the fault fracture zones under Fukui site: NISA panel...

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