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information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise

radioactive fallout and waste

12/03/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Aerial radiation lower than standard for decontamination

March 12, 2015 FOUR YEARS AFTER: Radiation levels clear decontamination standard in 88% of areas http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201503120066...

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12/03/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Looking to Germany for help on nuke waste disposal

March 9, 2015 Japan Political Pulse: Looking to Germany for hints on nuclear waste disposal http://mainichi.jp/english/english/perspectives/news/20150309p2a00m0na008000c.html...

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12/03/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Decontamination results

March 12, 2015 FOUR YEARS AFTER: Radiation levels clear decontamination standard in 88% of areas http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201503120066...

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06/03/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Farmers & toxic waste

March 6, 2015 Disposal of farming-related radioactive waste slow http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20150306_41.html...

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03/03/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Nuclear Watch on nuclear waste

Nuclear Watch http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/nuclearwatch/20150226.html Feb. 26, 2015 Fukushima Seeks...

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02/03/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Abe visits interim storage site

March 1, 2015 Abe views Fukushima site for radioactively contaminated waste http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150301p2g00m0dm032000c.html...

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28/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

NHK video: Seeking Sapce for Waste

February 26, 2015 http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/features/201502261612.html Seeking Space for Was...

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26/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Interim storage agreement

February 26, 2015 Trio of approvals in Fukushima seals deal for radioactive soil dump http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201502260037 THE...

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25/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Interim storage in Fukushima

February 25, 2015 Fukushima OKs delivery of radioactive soil to interim storage http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150225p2g00m0dm039000c.html...

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22/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Waste disposal: Unilateral approach no answer

February 22, 2015 Nuclear waste disposal problem Even as the Abe administration pushes for reactivating idled nuclear...

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21/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Where is the "clear vision" for waste disposal?

February 19, 2015 Editorial: Clear vision needed in choosing final disposal sites for radioactive waste http://mainichi.jp/english/english/perspectives/news/20150219p2a00m0na005000c.html...

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21/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Fukushima & radioactive waste

February 21, 2015 Fukushima may accept delivery of radioactive waste http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/02/21/national/fukushima-may-accept-delivery-of-radioactive-waste/#.VOhDpC51Cos Workers...

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21/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Dry cask storage

February 21, 2015 News Navigator: How is spent nuclear fuel cooled without water? http://mainichi.jp/english/english/perspectives/news/20150221p2a00m0na007000c.html...

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19/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Taiwan running out of storage space...

February 18, 2015 Taiwan wants to send nuclear waste overseas for reprocessing http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/02/18/asia-pacific/taiwan-wants-to-send-nuclear-waste-overseas-for-reprocessing/#.VORKJS51Cos...

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18/02/2015 Publié depuis Overblog

Useful ocean

February 17, 2015 IAEA: Consider releasing treated water into ocean http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20150217_36.html...

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