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information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise

vested interests - transparency - corruption

19/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

What Gov't really thinks of Fukushima

June 18, 2014 Editorial: Ishihara's Fukushima gaffe reflects real feelings of gov't http://mainichi.jp/english/english/perspectives/news/20140618p2a00m0na023000c.html...

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18/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

A question of money ( A blunder?)

June 18, 2014 Environment minister suggests Fukushima residents can be bought http://ajw.asahi.com/article/behind_news/politics/AJ201406180009...

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17/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Very little information to make crucial decisions

June 17, 2014 Lack of information hampered government's evacuation efforts in Fukushima crisis http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201406170061...

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17/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Fukushima Gov. irked by money remark

June 17, 2014 Japan minister apologises for Fukushima money gaffe https://au.news.yahoo.com/world/a/24256691/japan-minister-apologises-for-fukushima-money-gaffe/...

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14/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Tanaka's defense

June 13, 2014 New NRA member rejects criticism http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20140613_30.html A new...

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14/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Shimomura's notes describe Fukushima crisis

June 12, 2014 Insider's notes as Fukushima crisis unfolded describe disinterested TEPCO officials http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201406120061...

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12/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

"A de facto revival of the nuclear Safety Commission"

June 11, 2014 Abe picks for NRA ‘undermine’ nuclear watchdog’s independence Reuters The Lower House has approved...

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12/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Yoshida Testimony (Asahi Shimbun)

The Asahi Shimbun has published a series of articles based on M. Yoshida's testimony after the Fukushima disaster....

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10/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

NRA's independence

June 10, 2014 Source : Reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/10/japan-nuclear-regulator-idUSL4N0OR16X20140610...

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07/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

120 million yen for Tanaka's course at the University of Tokyo

June 7, 2014 Tepco gifted ¥120 million to university course run by NRA nominee http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/06/07/national/tepco-gifted-120-million-to-university-course-run-by-nra-nominee/#.U5NtQSji91s...

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06/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Fukushima radiation still biggest environmental problem for Japan

June 6, 2014 Report: Nuclear accident top environmental problem http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20140606_18.html...

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06/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Release the documents

June 6, 2014 For Kan and former Cabinet members, disclosure of Fukushima testimony a non-issue http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201406060042...

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06/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Making interviews public (2)

TEPCO shareholders ask for interview release http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20140605_30.html Shareholders...

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05/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Will investigation interviews be made public ?

June 5, 2014 Suga: Fukushima interviews could be made public http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/20140605_27.html...

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04/06/2014 Publié depuis Overblog

Cloud over NRA's credibility

June 4, 2014 The NRA doesn’t need a ‘yes man’ http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/06/04/editorials/nra-doesnt-need-yes-man/#.U48Bjyji91s...

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