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Asahi to set panel on nuclear disaster

October 15, 2014
Asahi Shimbun sets up panel to examine coverage of 'comfort women,' nuclear disaster



The Asahi Shimbun newspaper said on Oct. 14 that it has set up a committee to analyze the cause of confusion stemming from its reports on the so-called wartime "comfort women" issue, and on the testimony of Masao Yoshida, the late chief of the disaster-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

The eight-member panel which has set a goal of "regaining trust and restoring (the company)," consists of four external experts including journalist Shoko Egawa, and four senior Asahi officials, the daily said. The panel is set to hold its first meeting behind closed doors on Oct. 18, the Asahi said.

The Asahi says the panel will explore what the company can do to restore itself by discussing not only its editorial department but also the decision-making processes, crisis management, and corporate culture throughout the company. Another part of the restoration process will involve receiving harsh suggestions from outside.

The Asahi has already set up two separate third-party panels of experts to examine its reports on the so-called "Yoshida testimony" and comfort women, respectively.

October 15, 2014(Mainichi Japan)

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