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Faulty cameras & sense of responsibility

October 17, 2014

Shimomura criticizes Monju operator


Oct. 17, 2014 - Updated 08:12 UTC+2

Science minister Hakubun Shimomura has criticized the operator of the Monju fast-breeder prototype reactor for its failure to properly maintain equipment.

It recently came to light that a number of monitoring cameras at the reactor are not working.

Shimomura told reporters on Friday that it is very regrettable that the operator, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, lacks a sense of responsibility.

More than 50 cameras, or about one-third of those monitoring coolant pipes, were found to be broken when Monju was inspected in September.

Shimomura said reassuring the public about Monju's safety is the minimum requirement for restarting the experimental reactor.

He said the prototype reactor may be stopped forever if the operator's poor management continues.

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency began intensive reform of Monju's management system in October last year, following a series of problems, including inadequate inspections.

The operator initially planned to complete the reforms in one year, but recently extended the deadline by 6 months.

Monju is located on the coast of Fukui Prefecture in central Japan.

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