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Cementing tunnels "biggest concern"?

December 12, 2014

NRA chief: Cementing tunnels will stop inflow


Dec. 12, 2014 - Updated 12:23 UTC+1

The chief of Japan's nuclear overseer has inspected the Fukushima Daiichi plant where decommissioning work is underway.

Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Shunichi Tanaka visited the plant on Friday for the third time in 2 years.

He toured the plant for about 4 hours, inspecting each facility at the nuclear complex.

In a plant building which serves as a base for decommissioning work, Tanaka said he thinks the safety of the plant has gradually improved.

Tanaka inspected barriers around tanks storing contaminated water. Multiple barriers have been added to prevent a recurrence of the incident last year in which more than 300 tons of tainted water leaked away.

He also checked whether the new method to remove highly radioactive water from underground tunnels is working.

The plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, is trying to stop the inflow of contaminated water from a reactor building by pouring cement into the flooded tunnels while removing water from them.

Tanaka said the tunnels have been his biggest concern, but the ongoing work seems to be successful.

He said people need to understand that contaminated water cannot be stored at the plant forever, and that it should be treated and disposed of.

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