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S.Korean fishing experts in Fukushima

December 12, 2014

S.Korean experts to visit Fukushima


Dec. 12, 2014 - Updated 05:48 UTC+1

Japan's fisheries ministry says South Korea will send experts to Japan to study the validity of a ban on fisheries imports from Fukushima and 7 other prefectures.

The ministry said on Friday that 7 experts will visit Japan from Monday through Friday and conduct a field survey related to the ban and other import restrictions.

Since September last year, South Korea has banned fish imports from the 8 prefectures that suffered contamination after the nuclear accident in 2011.

The country also requires the submission of test certificates if even a trace of radioactivity is found in imports from anywhere in Japan.

The experts will visit Fukushima Prefecture on Wednesday and Thursday. They will check how test fishing is being carried out and see how workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are trying to prevent leaks of contaminated water into the Pacific.

The experts will visit Japan again next month and compile a report on whether to continue the measures.

Japan has urged South Korea to revoke the ban, complaining that it is excessive and lacks scientific evidence.

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