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TEPCO knew

February 25, 2015

No measures taken for radioactive water leak



Feb. 25, 2015 - Updated 01:42 UTC+1

The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant did not take any measures to prevent radioactive water that accumulated on the roof of one of the reactor buildings from flowing into the Pacific Ocean.

Tokyo Electric Power Company said on Tuesday that rainwater with relatively high levels of radioactive substances has collected on the roof of the No. 2 reactor building.

It said the contaminated water may have flowed into a drainage channel whenever it rained and could have spilled into the Pacific Ocean beyond the plant's port.

TEPCO was aware of these rises in the concentration of radioactive substances in the drainage channel as long ago as April last year.

But it did not make the information public or take any measures to stop the water from spilling into the ocean.

TEPCO has not installed floodgates or equipment in the drainage channel that would warn of rising concentrations of radioactive substances. The utility says there are no radioactive standards for the rainwater it is allowed to discharge into the ocean and it does not plan to install any devices in the channel.

The operator says no major changes have been observed in the levels of radioactive substances in nearby seawater.

But local residents, including workers in the fishing industry, may react sharply to the news. The drainage channel flows into the sea beyond the port. TEPCO had earlier explained that the contaminated water only affected the port area.


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