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Delays in construction of public housing

March 9, 2015

Public housing for Fukushima facing delays


Mar. 9, 2015 - Updated 10:33 UTC+1

Construction of public housing in Fukushima Prefecture is facing significant delays. The housing is meant for those forced to leave their homes after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and the ensuing nuclear accident.

Fukushima Prefecture plans to build around 2,700 units for people affected by the earthquake and tsunami. 4,900 are planned for those affected by the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant.

But only 44 percent of the units for quake and tsunami victims were ready for occupancy at the end of February.
Only 5 percent has been completed for the nuclear evacuees.

Prefectural officials say they are having difficulty securing land to build the housing. They say there is also a shortage of construction workers amid the growth in reconstruction-related demands.

The officials say it will take until 2018 or later to finish building all the units for the nuclear accident refugees.

Local communities are urging the prefecture to make the housing ready as quickly as possible. They say people living in temporary housing are being pushed to the limit of endurance.

The prefectural government is considering measures to speed up the process, such as buying housing units built by private companies.

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