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Still hoping to go home

November 9, 2015

Fukushima nuke crisis evacuee continues to prepare for day family can return home




Four and a half years after the meltdown at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, Yuji Onuma continues to make regular trips to his hometown of Futaba to tidy up and care for his house and property, which remain inside the nuclear crisis no-go zone.

"I want to prepare for the day I go home," he explains, though there is no prospect for Onuma or any of Futaba's residents returning to their hometown.

Twenty-seven years ago, Onuma, now 39, came up with a pro-nuclear energy slogan that still adorns a sign in the town. While the municipal government has decided to tear the sign down, Onuma is calling for it to be preserved as a disaster monument.

The Mainichi Shimbun continues to follow those affected by the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, as well as nuclear evacuees from Fukushima Prefecture who still cannot go home due to high radiation levels in some areas near the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.

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