information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
29 Mars 2019
End of March 2019: Time to stop this blog
I have been collecting and spreading information on the Fukushima disaster for more than 8 years.
More than ever I am convinced that the name of my blog « Fukushima-is-still-news » was aptly chosen. Or perhaps i should have called it « Fukushima should still be news ». What i’m getting at is that i know the disaster is going on and we cannot simply forget Fukushima and turn the page. But the mode of action I chose 8 years ago has its limits and it is time for me to stop this blog.
I don’t want the contents to be lost, so I will try and publish the lot with the Éditions de Fukushima so that the information remains available online.
Good bye for now. I am not doing a disappearing act. I’m still there tracking what’s going on in the world of nukes.