information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
10 Mars 2014
March 10, 2014
Massive anti-nuclear power demonstrations drew tens of thousands of people near the Diet building and other locations in central Tokyo on March 9, with participants protesting against reactor restarts ahead of the third anniversary of the outbreak of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant disaster.
"Let's stand by those who cannot raise their voices, and respond to their outcry," said musician Ryuichi Sakamoto during a rally held at the Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward.
"The situation in Fukushima has been set back rather than remaining unchanged. We will further raise our voices to bring about zero nuclear power," said Misao Redwolf, a leader of the Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes (MCAN).
MCAN and other organizers of the demonstrations put the number of participants in the March 9 protests at a total of some 32,000.
Participants paraded down the streets near the prime minister's office and the Diet building, chanting, "No to nuclear power" and "Stop exporting nuclear plants," before encircling the Diet building.
Tadao Ito, 75, a resident of Tokyo's Chofu who took part in the protest with oxygen tubes attached to his nose and pulling an oxygen tank due to lung disease told the Mainichi, "I'm struggling with my health problems, but I'd like to express my opposition" to nuclear power.
Shozaburo Oga, 58, a company operator from Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, said, "There's no way they can restart nuclear reactors when the cause of the Fukushima nuclear disaster has yet to be determined. Such a move disregards the nuclear disaster and those who were affected by the catastrophe."
A series of protests against nuclear power will be held in at least 175 locations across the nation around March 11 -- the third anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, which triggered the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant meltdowns.
March 10, 2014(Mainichi Japan)