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December 4, 2013


IAEA: Tritium may have to be discharged into sea



Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency say tritium in wastewater at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may have to be discharged into the ocean.

The IAEA probe team released a preliminary report on Wednesday on its investigation, started on November 25th, to help in the decommissioning work at the plant. They interviewed government and plant operator officials from the Tokyo Electric Power Company and conducted on-site inspections at the plant.

The report says TEPCO should step up efforts to remove radioactive substances from wastewater accumulating in the plant's tanks and other places.

Referring to tritium, which is particularly difficult to remove from wastewater, the report says TEPCO should consider discharging the substance into the ocean by diluting concentration to the permitted government levels.

IAEA team leader Juan Carlos Lentijo explained the report to journalists.

He said it is necessary and indispensable to assess the impact the tritium discharge might have on human health and the environment, and to get government approval as well as consent from concerned people.

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